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Diabetic Foot Ulcer Challenge 2021

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DFUC2021 Programme (27th September 2021)

To register, please visit: https://www.miccai2021.org/en/REGISTRATION.html

Start (UTC) End (UTC) Details
14:00 14:10 Opening (ensure all participants are connected to the virtual system)
14:10 14:30 Speech from our sponsor
14:30 15:00 Keynote Speaker I - The Diabetic Foot in Remission: A Marriage of Team, Technology and Tenacity: Prof. David Armstrong
15:00 15:20 Introduction of DFUC Datasets from Organisers
15:20 15:30 Break
15:30 17:00 Oral presentations from Winning Teams
17:00 17:30 Keynote Speaker II: Dr. Manu Goyal
17:30 18:00 DFUC2022 Chairs Speech (Bill Cassidy & Dr. Connah Kendrick), Closing
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DFUC2021 is sponsored by NVIDIA

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If you would like to sponsor the challenges, please email Moi Hoon Yap: m.yap@mmu.ac.uk